Huntsville reports a successful year for short term rentals
Huntsville staff reported a successful year for short term rentals, in the March 27, 2025, General meeting.
According to the staff report, although the Town saw a decrease in Short Term Rentals in 2024, from 230 the prior year to 220, remittances resulted in a revenue of $226,000.
It adds that 52 of 2024’s applications were new, and the rest were renewals.
Properties include short term rentals and commercial establishments other than resorts and are required to comply with the program.
The program resulted in approximately $210,000 by the end of 2024, bringing the total reserve to approximately $715,000.
Staff attribute greater compliance resulting from the 24-hour call-line they launched last year, which they report resulted in 27 calls the day after launching it. Calls were addressed “through either enforcement measures or application compliance.”
Deputy Mayor, Dan Armour, expressed appreciation for the call-in line because he hasn’t received SHORT TERM RENTALS related calls since it was launched.
Councillor, Cory Clarke appreciated that it frees up the department’s time as well.
Staff reported that the town’s application portal has also proven helpful with advising licence holders about the MAT requirements once licences have been issued, leading to better compliance.
The Town also provides a live mapping system which indicates the SHORT TERM RENTALSs and contact information, along with which ones are in review, have been approved, or refused.
Staff indicated that the Administrative Monetary Penalties has proven beneficial as well, with 55 issued to short term rentals - 50 were for ‘advertising without a licence,’ with 36 for a first offence, 9 a second offence, and 5 for a third offence.
The system resulted in 21 short term rental operators getting licences, 15 ceasing advertising, and 16 continue to be enforced by staff.
Staff indicated that a third non-compliance offence within 12 months can result in greater penalties in court or ceasing operation. They added that they are reconsidering this and will have discussions with the Town solicitor, potentially allowing for more than three over a longer timeframe, and report back to Council.
Staff also reported that the 2024 financial penalties revenue was greater than they anticipated, at $35,000. The funds will go towards legal fees for non-compliance.
Staff anticipate enrollments to remain steady and with fewer fines issued as owners become familiar with the system.